How to enclose an internal stairwell: some original ideas for your home

Today we’ll look at some great ways to make the best of the space under the stairs in your home to create new living spaces.

Here’s a provocative question: Are you sure you’ve taken full advantage of all the available space in your home? If you’ve replied yes, let’s move on to the next question: Did you know it was possibile to enclose the space under an internal staircase?

How to enclose the space under the stairs

If you’re planning a multi-floor apartament or small villa, it’s obvious that you will have an internal staircase of irregular dimensions in your home. This space which is frequently unused is a difficult space to work in. At the same time, it has great potential as a place to reclaim new space for your home with modern design and in harmony with its surroundings.

REMEMBER: you are not dealing with standard dimensions, you must opt for a tailor made option. We recommend flushfall solutions to optimize the space.

Flushwall solutions are surely interesting in that they permit its user to create additional space to satisfy the needs of daily living. In this manner, you can create a closed pantry, which, in a modern home is always useful.

Builtin bookshelves

The space under the stairs can also be used for creating a homelibrary or a place to show off your collections. This is the only way for booklovers to keep their treasures well organized, especially for those with little space available.

To create a feeling of movement and playfulness, you can mixin different furnishings among your books and magazines to add a pop of color.

A hide out for your kids

Space permitting, you can transform the space under the stairs using flushwall doors into every kid’s dream come true: a play cave!

You must consider that this space lacks a source of natural light. That said, it is a good solution for creating a memorable play space for the children in the house.

As you will have noticed, enclosing an internal staircase is no longer mission impossibile because RasoParete is here to respond to every singular need.

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