This type of closure makes it possible to combine different opening systems, making the jamb infinite in width and height, with rectangular or trapezoidal shapes.
Thanks to the flexibility of these systems it is possible to combine the closure alone to spaces with containment, all rigorously made to measure.
In the same way we can combine the different types of doors with push-pull or retractable handles, for working both in damp outdoor or indoor environments, with doors in stratified aluminium or as in the rest of the cases with doors in light MDF, maintaining the same aesthetics.
The choice of door opening can range from hinged opening, vasistas, tilting, two, three and four folding sliding doors, all of which can be combined with each other.
If the customer needs to close off a water purification system and next to it create a storage space with shelves and also a laundry space, without foregoing a clean, elegant and minimalist image, everything will be made possible thanks to the choice of RasoParete systems. The final result, in fact, will not be at all invasive and will integrate perfectly with the environment in which it is inserted.
Our aim is to satisfy all the customer’s needs, proposing personalised solutions, designed according to your needs.
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